Cell phones soon will produce more-nuanced vibrations

Immersion’s Dennis Sheehan demonstrates a Samsung phone that he outfitted with a piezoelectric sensor.   San Francisco (CNN) – Cell-phone addicts can be so attuned to their digital companions that they are able to feel the difference between a short...

Android crushed the smartphone competition last quarter

Apple’s received a drop in market share in Gartner’s November report due to the availability of other mobile devices   (WIRED) — The smartphone OS space looks a whole lot different than it did a year ago. Android has seriously stepped up to...

Sencha Touch Mobile JavaScript Framework

The Best HTML5 Mobile Web App Framework Sencha Touch allows you to develop mobile web apps that look and feel native on iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry touch devices.     Built with Web Standards Sencha Touch is the world’s first app framework built...

jQuery Mobile 1.0RC3 Released!

The jQuery Mobile team is thrilled to announce the third and final release candidate for version 1.0. Sure, they know they said they were going straight to 1.0 when RC2 came out, but they’ve been making a ton of performance enhancements and they just want to make sure...